Is it Love…or just Spring?

“For this was on St. Valentine’s Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate.”

—Geoffrey Chaucer, 14th century


Some say the feast of St. Valentine marks the beginning of spring. Others say, “meh.” As much as I love chocolate and a juicy love story, I have to say I haven’t always been a fan of this Hallmark holiday. So, I was delighted when a friend began an annual tradition of an all-girl Valentine’s Day party—an event that is not for couples. It’s a celebration of platonic female friendship: “boyfriends can come and go” but girlfriends are made to last. Every year, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends—any significant others—have had to find something else to do, or perhaps are relieved to find themselves off the hook—depending on how they view it.  The lesson here is that this holiday can be any expression of love you want it to be.

Whether you go in for romance or not, there’s no shortage of inspiring books for the occasion—from poetry and erotica, to a detailed history of the story of Adam & Eve or the inspired wisdom of self-love—books offer a myriad of ways to explore your heart’s desire. Here’s to the love of reading!


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