January Asks: What Do You Really Want?

The month of January is often a time to take a breather after the holiday madness and slow ourselves down. It’s also the ideal time to take stock as we ask ourselves…what do I really want in the year ahead? Whether it’s setting goals & intentions, decluttering or challenging ourselves to think outside our box, there are new books to help.

Here are just a few to jumpstart your year with new thinking about the year ahead.


Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived Joyful Life

by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans

If you love brainstorming with post-its, you’ll love this book. The authors teach at Stanford University’s D. School and the ideas in the book are based on the popular design thinking approach taught there. Liberate your thinking and design for the stars.

ISBN 9781101875322



Screen Shot 2018-01-12 at 4.36.38 PMIkigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

By Hector Garcia

According to this author, discovering your ikigai is the secret to a long and prosperous life—but just what is it? Ikigai, a Japanese word for your sense of purpose and reason for being—is what fulfills you and sustains you. This books help explain how finding and nurturing your ikigai leads to longevity and happiness.

ISBN 9780143130727



The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter

By Margareta Magnusson

Decluttering, in Sweden, is called dostadning or “death cleaning.” It’s the process of putting things in order and clearing unnecessary objects which have accumulated over the course of one’s life. It can be done at any age or any stage but the important thing is to do it for oneself, before someone else must do it for you.

ISBN 9781501173240



Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

By Brene Brown

Best-selling author Brene Brown combines research and personal stories to demonstrate how looking at failure and our response to it provides a fertile opportunity to make radical shifts in our lives and reset.

ISBN 9780812985801


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Radical Transformational Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents

By Monica Sharma

Perhaps your goal is broader in scale and you want to develop your capacity for leading the way. This book looks at how we create a positive paradigm shift based on principles that have worked in order to address difficult problems such as poverty, inequality, and racism. Sharma has worked for the U.N. and other government agencies for more than twenty years and her book draws on her experience making equitable and sustainable progress.

ISBN 9781583948958



Have a recommendation? Tell us which books you’ve been reading for positive change in your life or your career. Write to us at info@LOAKL.com.